Thursday, January 10, 2008

Sleeping Beauty

Have you ever done something that is totally outside of your realm of experience?

Maybe that should be an annual event. Pick a day, maybe your birthday, and do something absolutely uncharacteristic.


Brian Branch said...

Hey that’s a Ball Python. My wife has one of theose. Great pets.

mouse (aka kimy) said...

"Have you ever done something that is totally outside of your realm of experience?"
like a 'bucket list'??? excellent idea.

you won't believe this we have a ball python also! his name is monty (or her name, we never have known whether it's a boy or girl) and we've had him for nine years. they aren't really warm and cuddly pets but they are quite pretty and fun to hold. unfortunately ours only eats live mice....needless to say, I don't have anything to do with that business! eek!

Colette Amelia said...

EEEk! there is something about snakes that give me nightmares!


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