Monday, February 12, 2007

How To Hitch Hike

There are some rules to getting a ride when you are hitching a ride.

First, before you even think about the ride, you should wear comfortable footwear because you might be doing some walking. After all, hike is part of the equation.

A pleasant smile so that we know that if you are an axe murderer you enjoy your work. There is nothing worse than picking up a crabby murderer.

Wear a sexy skirt. A little knee can have a driver hitting the brakes.


Anonymous said...

Hey good advice and luckily I have a quilt! I often need to hitch a ride as I don't have a car.

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

You are beyond funny. You are right, I'm sure, there is nothing worse than picking up a crabby muirderer. Was your mother funny? Your dad? Is your son funny? Or are you just one funny person all by yourself?


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