Did you know that no one may "use for commercial purposes" means the use of Olympic symbols, including the 5 Rings, for profit-making purposes in the following ways:
(1) The use of Olympic symbols in goods, packages or containers of goods or trade documents of good;
(2) The use of Olympic symbols in services;
(3) The use of Olympic symbols in advertising, commercial exhibition, profit-making performance and other commercial activities;
(4) Selling, importing or exporting goods bearing Olympic symbols;
(5) Manufacturing or selling Olympic symbols;
(6) Other acts that might mislead people to think there are sponsorship or other supporting relations between the doers and the right holders of Olympic symbols.
In fact, the use of the word Olympic can get you (or me) into a lot of legal difficulties. Doesn't this want one to claim status as an official Olympic Photographer?
Oops, I hear a siren.. Might be the Olympic Police coming to pick me up. I guess I had better